I'm escaping into food! Not good!

I've heard myself mention, several times already this week, that I get dessert fever, and refuse to leave.... I know why... I LOVE the huge sound of silence that we can so easily tune into there... I have never heard silence sound so loud as it is in the dessert. It really supports the journey home [inward, of course.]

The world is being calibrated to intentionally overstimulate us to the enth degree... this is being done to an urgent excess these days... not least, due to the political clown show... Lord give me strength! I'm talking of the US, of course...

Starmer is a different kettle of eels... he makes my blood run a few degrees colder...

Ed Dowd is being interesting these days.

The sky is being dismal, although that cheatin', lyin', two-facing Met Office is promising some kind of sun towards the end of the week... I will go all Guy Fawkes if it dupes me again! So, it's days are likely very numbered!

It behoves us to remember that an idea is only dangerous if we take it seriously... and politics and money are faith based systems that will diminish to a vanishing point if we put all of the faith we can muster, into Love, instead.

The fact that we cared for money once, and we coveted fast cars and roomy stacks, really don't make no never mind. All that matters is now.

Much love. x x x

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I love deserts as well , they are spacious and quiet. The world is in overdrive , deliberately frazzling us , so we need to take extra care.

Randomly met a woman , as we commented on the weather she said “well it is the hottest July on record 😂😂😂” Then she told me how she has been monitoring the geo engineering thats going on. Thats why we are having these low cloud, dull days with occasional breaks so we don’t go crazy. How they are deliberately experimenting in the UK , as we are used to clouds and are too apathetic to do anything about it.

I think it’s all part of weakening us and destroying food systems ….but I would think that !

Your right about faith based man made constructs and systems that only work through consent . They are now crumbling , so a prefect opportunity for Starmer to come in with his solutions 😱

Take care of your precious self , much love xxx

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We all have these weeks. Beautiful poetry, thanks for sharing! Hope your week is looking up.

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Thanks Sue, my week is going well, tomorrow I am visiting family and then going on a yoga retreat.

Glad you like the poetry and trust all is well with you.

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Yes, all well. Enjoy your retreat!

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That’s good to hear and thanks again x

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